Divers Life Insurance

Divers Life Insurance

Scuba diving can be a challenging activity that demands skill and the ability to operate in challenging underwater environments. 

Whether you participate in scuba diving for leisure or pleasure speak to Sports Financial Services about divers life insurance, mortgage protection, income protection and critical illness cover. 

The underwriting of divers life insurance, income protection and critical illness cover for scuba diving can vary depending on the insurance provider as well as your level of participation in scuba diving. For this reason, specialist advice can be beneficial in obtaining the right cover for you, your circumstances and your diving. 

Because scuba diving requires a certain level of technical skill and is undertaken in demanding environments, divers life insurance can often require more specialist types of cover. If you would like to discuss the right life insurance, critical illness cover or income protection cover for scuba diving you have come to the right place.

Enquiring about divers life insurance with Sports Financial Services is quick and easy. When you enquire, we will take into consideration a number of factors relating to you, your lifestyle and your diving activities. 

During the enquiry process for divers life insurance, it is important that you declare questions in relation to your health, lifestyle, work, diving and any other questions completely. Some typical life, lifestyle and scuba diving questions, that relate to your enquiry for scuba diving financial protection, may include your:

  • Current health & personal lifestyle factors (e.g., smoking or alcohol consumption)
  • Height
  • Weight / Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Age
  • Current and / or pre-existing health conditions

Detailed diving-related questions will vary depending on your particular scuba diving participation but could include (where relevant to your enquiry) your:

  • Current employment / occupation and geographic location(s) of your work (e.g., UK, Europe and/or worldwide)
  • Type of diving undertaken
  • Diving qualifications (e.g., Ocean Diver, Sports Diver, Dive Leader, Advanced Diver, First Class Diver)
  • Location(s) where you participate in scuba diving (e.g., inland lakes and quarries, off-shore or deep ocean)
  • Geographic location(s) of your scuba diving participation (e.g., UK, Europe and/or worldwide)
  • Frequency of diving / number of dives per year
  • Diving depth
  • Participation in wreck exploration
  • Type of scuba diving participation (e.g., recreational scuba diving or commercial diving)
  • Participation in challenging diving environments (e.g., wreck exploration, ice diving, cave diving, diving at depth)
  • Governing body membership status (e.g., BSAC)
  • Use of technical diving equipment (e.g., rebreather, mixed gasses, fixed air lines)
  • Current income (for an enquiry for income protection)

Divers Critical Illness Cover 

Critical illness cover is a way to cover specific illnesses or medical conditions that might disrupt your life, family and finances. 

Anyone who takes part in hazardous pursuits like scuba diving and enquires about critical illness cover will have their enquiry assessed against the activities they pursue. Cover for different types of activities will be assessed differently. 

Cover for some sports can be offered at standard rates with no special terms imposed whilst participation in other sports may result in premium loadings, special terms, restrictions or exclusions. Your sports specialist at Sports Financial Services will talk you through the options available to you based on a number of factors such as your diving activities, occupation and lifestyle. 

Divers Income Protection Cover

Another important cover to consider is income protection, particularly if you take part in a hazardous pursuit like scuba diving. Scuba diving income protection could provide you with peace of mind if you are unable to work due to injury or sickness. 

If you have a loan, mortgage, credit cards, regular bills or family financial commitments then you may want to consider what would happen if you were unable to meet the payments because of a loss of income if you are unable to work.  

Divers applications for income protection are dependent on many factors, for example, whether you have previously suffered any injuries as a result of diving and whether they have caused you to have a significant amount of time off work. 

Again, like critical illness cover, participation in some sports and activities may result in premium loadings, restrictions or exclusions. But, don’t worry, your specialist adviser will discuss your needs and the options available to you and your diving.

Divers Life Insurance with Sports Financial Services

Our team of sports specialists have assisted divers obtain divers life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection to help them protect their families, homes and businesses. 

In addition, Scuba Financial Services have experience of organising cover for many different specialist types of diving activities, such as: 

  • Extended depth diving up to 100m 
  • Diving in the UK & overseas
  • Offshore diving (more than 3 miles) 
  • Wreck diving & wreck penetration
  • Mixed gas diving
  • Rebreather diving

In addition, if you have a hazardous occupation or enjoy the challenge of other adventurous activities, we will also be able to discuss the types of cover available for your individual needs.

If you have an insurance policy in place, have been declined life insurance for divers life insurance in the past or have previously experienced problems obtaining life insurance, income protection or critical illness cover, speak to one of our sports specialists today. 

In addition, different insurers come to the market over time and others may change their terms. This may mean that different terms are available in the marketplace than when you first applied for divers life insurance. 

Get in touch with us today to discuss divers life insurance, income protection and critical illness cover. One of your experts is more than happy to help, you can call us at 0345 565 0935, or fill out our contact form online to enquire. 

Life Insurance for Oil Rig Workers FAQs

life insurance for oil rig workers
Can I get life insurance if I work on an Oil Rig?

It is possible to obtain life insurance for oil rig work. The cover available including the terms and rates will depend on a number of factors, such as:  

Oil rig job role: more office-based and lower-risk administrative roles may obtain better terms than higher-risk roles that involve working with machinery or working directly on the rig platform

Geographic location of rig work: insurers will want to know if your work is in UK waters or more remote locations or in areas subject to security or conflict concerns

Mode of transportation to the rig: the duration, distance and nature of the journey to the rig including the use of helicopters or other transport may impact underwriting decisions

Your pre-existing health: an assessment of your BMI, disclosure of existing health problems and lifestyle choices (e.g., smoking and alcohol consumption) can affect underwriting decisions

It may be that some insurers decline to cover oil rig workers whilst others may offer specific terms with certain conditions. Your specialist adviser at Sports Financial Services will be happy to discuss your options, premiums and policy terms in relation to oil rig worker life insurance. You may also want to discuss the availability of other types of cover, such as critical illness cover or income protection with your adviser.

Why is life insurance for oil rig workers important?

Life insurance for oil rig workers is important to provide financial peace of mind, especially if you want to protect your finances, family and your home. In short, it can provide a financial safety net for your family if the worst were to happen to you. 

Oil rig work can be considered a dangerous occupation since it involves exposure to physical and environmental working hazards. These can include extremes of weather, dangerous machinery, working at height, dangerous and flammable chemicals and limited remote access to emergency services.

Oil rig worker life insurance is typically designed to pay out a lump sum in the event of your death. Such a payment can be useful for your family to help cover immediate expenses such as mortgage, bills, funeral costs, living costs and the longer-term costs of supporting a family. The correct amount of cover can also provide peace of mind that your family will be supported financially if you were not around to provide income and support.

What critical illness cover for oil rig workers?

It can be possible for oil rig workers to obtain critical illness cover. This type of cover is designed to payout in the event you’re diagnosed with a serious illness (as listed and defined in the policy).
The list of illnesses can vary depending on the provider and any type of policy taken.

Similar to a life insurance policy, the level of cover that will be offered to you by providers will vary subject to the level of risk you pose to insurers.

Critical illness cover is a way to cover specific illnesses or medical conditions that might disrupt your life, family and finances. Anyone who takes part in oil rig work and enquires about critical illness cover will have their enquiry assessed against the activities they pursue. Cover for different types of oil rig activities will be assessed differently. 

Your hazardous occupations specialist at Sports Financial Services will talk you through the options available. 

What is income protection for oil rig workers?

If you are concerned about meeting financial commitments if you become unable to work due to an accident, illness or sickness then income protection is something you may want to discuss with a specialist at Sports Financial Services. 

If you tend to work offshore then the underwriting process for oil rig workers may be stricter than those who tend to work mainly onshore. Income protection cover may depend on the availability of cover with different insurers and the specific terms of their policies. Some insurers may decline to cover oil rig workers, while others may offer cover with certain exclusions or conditions.

Income protection cover is typically designed to pay out a percentage of your salary if you are unable to work due to illness or injury. It can provide financial support for a specific period of time as defined in the policy.

Income protection cover for oil rig workers may be more expensive than for other occupations, as working on an oil rig is considered a high-risk occupation. You may need to disclose details of your lifestyle, health (e.g., height and weight), occupation, job role, international working locations, transportation and medical history when applying for income protection cover

Applications for income protection are dependent on many factors, for example, whether you have previously suffered any injuries as a result of oil rig work activities and whether they have caused you to have a significant amount of time off work. 

Who can I go to for life insurance for oil rig workers?

If you would like more information on life insurance for oil rig workers, critical illness cover and income protection please get in touch with us here at Sports Financial Services. 

Speak to one of our experienced hazardous sport and occupation specialists. Our team of specialists will guarantee the best value protection for your activities. We have many years of experience working with people who enjoy dangerous or hazardous sports and hazardous occupations. 

You can call us on 0345 565 0935 to discuss Offshore workers life insurance or complete our online contact form to get in touch. 

Life Insurance for Firefighters

life insurance for firefighters

There are a number of options available for those who work in hazardous occupations and want to provide for their family, protect mortgage payments or bills should an accident happen whilst engaged in hazardous work activities. 

Firefighting work spans a number of different activities and each brings a different set of risks. Depending on the nature of the firefighting work and the risks involved certain exclusions or restrictions may apply to certain types of financial protection for firefighters. When you enquire your specialist adviser will discuss the cover options available to you based on your firefighting work activities.

Each enquiry for life insurance for firefighters is individual and we will discuss the risks involved in your lifestyle and firefighting work activities. 

Different providers of cover may ask additional questions relating to an enquiry for life insurance for firefighters, examples of some of the questions they may ask are:

• What is your firefighting role?
• What type of firefighting activities do you participate in?
• Do you work at heights and to what height?
• Do you use any dangerous equipment, machinery or chemicals?
• How many hours are you engaged in firefighting work vs office-based hours?

Firefighters may be looking for cover because of the hazardous nature of their activities. We will want to discuss the types of activities you are involved in as part of your enquiry about firefighter life insurance cover

Whatever your firefighting role please feel free to contact us today to discuss your financial protection needs and the options available to you.

Critical Illness Cover for Firefighters:

Critical illness cover is a way to cover specific illnesses or medical conditions that might disrupt your life, family and finances. Anyone who takes part in firefighting work and enquires about critical illness cover will have their enquiry assessed against the activities they pursue. Cover for different types of firefighting activities will be assessed differently. 

Cover for some firefighting activities may be offered at standard rates with no special terms imposed whilst participation in other firefighting activities may result in premium loadings, special terms, restrictions or exclusions. Your occupations specialist at Sports Financial Services will talk you through the options available. 

Income Protection for Firefighters:

Another important cover to consider is income protection, particularly if you take part in hazardous activities like firefighting work. Income protection could provide you with peace of mind if you are unable to work due to injury or sickness. 

If you have a loan, mortgage, credit cards, regular bills or family financial commitments then you may want to consider what would happen if you were unable to meet the payments because of a loss of income if you are unable to work.  

Applications for income protection are dependent on many factors, for example, whether you have previously suffered any injuries as a result of your firefighting worker activities and whether they have caused you to have a significant amount of time off work. 

Again, like critical illness cover, participation in some firefighting activities may result in premium loadings, restrictions or exclusions. When you make an enquiry your adviser at Sports Financial Services will discuss your needs and the options available to you.

Get in touch with us today to discuss Life Insurance for Firefighters 

Complete our online enquiry form or call one of our hazardous occupation specialists on 0345 565 0935 if you are seeking information or a quote for life insurance for firefighters.

Motocross Rider Insurance FAQs

motocross rider insurance
What is Motocross?

Motocross is a type of off-road motorcycle racing where you will find motorcyclists riding over different kinds of terrains on off-road circuits. Motocross courses are around one to three miles long and participants will have to deal with the challenge of other riders and the racing conditions along the way. This is what makes motocross such a demanding sport, as no two courses are alike.

Do I need motocross rider insurance?

If you are looking to meet bill payments, meet monthly mortgage commitments or provide for a family in the event of an accident then you may want to consider various options for financial protection. Sports insurance experts at Sports Financial Services will be happy to discuss your motocross rider insurance needs. They offer a number of different financial protection options including life insurance and income protection for motocross riders.

Even if you have a policy in place elsewhere for motocross, we will still be happy to hear from you, even if only to provide you with peace of mind that your cover and premiums are comparable with current market products.

How does Motocross rider insurance work?

No matter how cautious you are and how many precautions you take when motocross riding, accidents do still happen. In the case that an injury or accident happens, it is reassuring to know that you and your loved ones have some level of financial protection. Having cover such as motocross life insurance or income protection cover could provide you with some financial peace of mind. 

The risks inherent in motorcycle racing can result in the sport being rated as a hazardous sport by some underwriters. This has traditionally meant that motorcycle racers have had to pay more for their life insurance and receive restrictions or loadings for illness cover. At Sports Financial Services we will seek to understand you and your motocross participation and discuss the financial protection options available to you.

What impacts a Motocross rider insurance policy?

As with any application for financial services, it is important that you declare your work, lifestyle, medical and other questions completely.

There are a number of different factors that your adviser at Sports Financial Services will want to discuss in relation to motocross rider insurance. Some factors will relate to you individually and some relate to your particular participation in motocross racing.

Some typical questions, that individually relate to your enquiry for cover, may include:

– Your current health & lifestyle (e.g., smoking or alcohol consumption) 
– Your body mass index (your height and weight) 
– Your age
– Any pre-existing health conditions
– Your current occupation
– Your current income (if applying for income protection cover)

Some typical motocross related questions we may ask:

– Do you compete recreationally or professionally in motocross?
– How frequently do you take part in motocross events? 
– What kind of motorcycle do you ride? 
– Do you participate in other types of motorcycle racing?
– Where do you motocross race?
– What is the size of bike engine / engine capacity (cc)?
– Are you a member of the sport’s governing body (e.g., Amateur Motor Cycle Association – AMCA, Auto Cycle Union – ACU)?
– What are the geographical location of your racing activities (UK and/or international)?

Where can I get Motocross rider insurance?

Here at Sports Financial Services, we have experience in helping people who enjoy extreme and hazardous sports. Our specialism is life insurance, mortgage protection, critical illness cover and income protection. It is important to use an insurance specialist like Sports Financial Services, to ensure that you are getting the right cover that suits your needs. We are specialists that guarantee the best value protection for your activities. 

Whether you are a member of the Amateur Motor Cycle Association (AMCA) or Auto Cycle Union (ACU) or similar organisation we will be happy to hear from you and discuss cover for motocross, track, road, enduro, cross country and many other types of motorcycle sports.

Please feel free to get in touch with us today about motocross rider insurance, alternatively, you can call us on 0345 565 0935.

Life Insurance for Speedway Riders

Life insurance for speedway riders

Motorcycle speedway, like many hazardous sports, comes with its own risks and hazards. Sports Financial Services has many years of experience in providing life insurance for many motorsports and motor cycling sports, such as speedway riding. 

It is important to consider that riskier sports such as motorcycle speedway riding may require additional underwriting. When you enquire with us your personal sports specialists will seek to understand you, your lifestyle and your sports participation in order to understand your needs. Your adviser will then be able to discuss the financial protection options available to you as a speedway rider.

If you are concerned that your speedway riding might end up in an accident that might leave you unable to work, then income protection may be something you want to discuss with us. 

If you are concerned about your ability to pay your bills, meet mortgage payments, provide for a family or support yourself financially in the event of an accident then speak to Sports Financial Services about the options available to you for your sport and lifestyle. 

When you enquire about cover with us, we will discuss a number of factors relating to your speedway motorcycle racing and your lifestyle. Your personal sports adviser will also discuss a range of questions relating to you and your motorcycling and your sporting interests. 

Examples of typical questions your adviser may discuss, include: 

  • Your occupation?
  • Your speedway racing and any other motorcycle racing?
  • Where you participate in motorcycle racing (e.g., road, track, cross country, grass, circuit)?
  • Type of bike you race?
  • Size of bike engine / engine capacity (cc)? 
  • Frequency of participation in motorcycle racing?
  • Type of participation level (recreation, amateur or professional)?
  • Motorcycle racing overseas?
  • Your income (for Income Protection)?

Life insurance for Speedway Riders with Sports Financial Services

As sports specialists we have a deep understanding of financial protection for hazardous and extreme sports such as speedway riding. We are always on hand to help with any enquiries regarding life insurance and income protection for speedway riders, 

From an underwriting viewpoint motorcycle racing is often associated with additional risks. However, we have obtained cover for motorcycle racing in the past and will be happy to discuss your individual needs. An assessment of the premium to be paid for motorcycle racing protection will be based on the level of risk involved in your sport and your personal adviser at Sports Financial Services will discuss the cover available to you.

As sports specialists we are happy to discuss the availability of cover for many motorcycling sports and many types of motorcycling activities, for example:

  • Adventure Motorcycling
  • Beach Racing
  • Cross Country
  • Enduro Racing / Endurance Riding
  • Grass track
  • Hill climbs
  • Motocross Rider Insurance
  • Motorcycle enduro racing
  • Motorcycle Grand Prix (MotoGP)
  • Motorcycle circuit racing
  • Life Insurance for Motorcycle road racing
  • Motorcycle track racing
  • Motorcycle Road Racing
  • Scrambles
  • Speedway
  • Supercross
  • Super Bike racing
  • Supermoto
  • Time trials
  • Track days
  • Trials 

Whatever your sporting interests we’d love to hear from you to discuss financial protection for your life, your family and your participation in sport. 

Please feel free to contact to us today to discuss your financial protection requirements and your sport. Even if you have an existing policy in place, that you have taken out elsewhere, please contact us for a no-obligation quote to check how our life insurance for speedway riders cover and premiums compare.

Life Insurance for Motorcycle Road Racing

life insurance for motorcycle road racing scaled

Here are Sports Financial Services we are insurance specialists who specialise in financial protection for hazardous and dangerous sports. If you are interested in life insurance for motorcycle road racing or income protection for motorcycle racing then speak to one of our specialist advisers. 

We have many years of experience in offering financial protection for adrenaline-based sports so we understand the needs of those who take part in hazardous and dangerous sports. If you take part in motorcycle road racing you should consider what would happen to your family and finances should an accident happen. 

Your expert sports adviser at Sports Financial Services will be happy to talk you through your options to protect your family and finances. We provide protection for a wide range of sports and occupations so we will be happy to discuss the cover that is right for you and your lifestyle.

How much does life insurance for motorcycle road racing cost?

Life insurance for Motorcycle Road racing may be considered high risk and your enquiry will be assessed against a range of underwriting criteria. You might find that there may be additional underwriting or additional premium loadings based on your answers to questions relating to your health, lifestyle, occupation and motorcycle racing. Here are some of the factors that will have an impact on your life insurance for motorcycle road racing enquiry:

  • Do you smoke?
  • What is your BMI (Your height and weight)?
  • What is your occupation?
  • Do you have any pre-existing medical conditions?

More specific questions in relation to your motorbike racing life insurance may include:

  • Your level of racing (e.g., amateur, semi-professional or professional)?
  • What type of motorbike you race?
  • What type of motorcycle racing do you participate in?
  • How often do you participate in motorcycle racing?
  • Do you hold a race licence?
  • Where you race (e.g., UK or overseas)?
  • Have you suffered any accidents or injuries as a result of motorcycle racing?

The other factors which will apply to any application for life insurance for motorcycle road racing are:

  • How much cover do you require (Sum Assured)?
  • How long do you need cover for (Term in Years)?
  • Which type of cover do you need?

Motorcycle road racing and income protection

If you are looking for motorcycle road racing income protection cover then you can also speak to our team of specialist sports advisers about the availability of cover for motorcycle racing. You will find that if you take part in motorcycle road racing you will be asked about a range of factors relating to your health, lifestyle, occupation and motorcycle racing. 

Additionally, the underwriter may also want to understand if you have had any previous injuries in the past that have resulted in time off work arising from your participation in motorcycle racing. 

How Sports Financial Services can help with life insurance for motorcycle road racing

Here at Sports Financial Services, we are the specialist for people who take part in dangerous sports including motorcycle road racing. If you are interested in life insurance for motorcycle road racing or income protection for motorcycle racing, please get in touch with us today.

We also offer Life Insurance for Speedway riders and Motocross Rider Insurance.

Equestrian Insurance FAQs

equestrian insurance

The nature of horse riding and equestrian activities means they are sometimes considered hazardous activities or dangerous sports. Underwriters will evaluate people participating in horse-related events or activities on a number of factors, such as, the kind of riding activities they undertake and how frequently they engage in equestrian activities.

Can I get equestrian rider insurance?

For people who take part in equestrian activities or ride horses there are a range of financial protection options that riders may want to discuss with Sports Financial Services. These options include life insurance, mortgage protection, income protection and critical illness cover.  Equestrian insurance rates for this kind of cover will usually depend on a number of factors that will help underwriter assess and understand the level of risk involved. 

Does equestrian insurance cost more?

There are different factors to take into consideration during the process of enquiring about equestrian insurance, and some of these factors can lead to increased premiums and policy exclusions. Examples of the types of questions we ask to understand your participation in equestrian sports include: 

  • What type of equestrian or horse riding activities do you undertake?
  • How often do you take part in equestrian / horse ride activities?
  • Do you compete competitively in equestrian / horse riding activities (e.g., hacking, eventing, show jumping etc.)?
  • What is your level of horse riding participation (e.g., amateur, recreational or professional)?
  • Are you a member of the Sports Governing Body for equestrian sports?

Here at Sports Financial Services, we work with a range of insurance companies and underwriters, with the aim of providing you with the best value protection for your horse riding and equestrian activities.

Does equestrian riding affect other kinds of cover? 

When you enquire about cover your sports specialist at Sports Financial Services will undertake an investigation of your lifestyle, occupation and equestrian activities.  When we have an understanding of you and your needs we will discuss the options that are available to you. This will include a discussion about the effect of your equestrian activities and other lifestyle factors on the availability of different policies, any policy restrictions and any policy loadings arising from your conversation with our specialist sport adviser. 

Where can I get the best equestrian insurance advice?

If you are looking to obtain equestrian insurance for life insurance, mortgage protection, income protection or critical illness cover for horse riding / equestrian sports speak to a specialist at Sports Financial Services. 

We are specialists that guarantee the best value protection for your activities. As a specialist company we are knowledgeable about many high-risk and hazardous sports. We also have many years of experience providing insurance advice for active sports participants. If you are searching for equestrian insurance should make sure you are speaking to appropriate professionals who have the necessary knowledge and experience to be able to provide you with the right guidance. That is where the team at Sports Financial Services aim to help you.

To find out more, please get in touch with our team of sport and equestrian specialists today. 

British skydiving insurance: why it’s important to protect yourself and your loved ones

Skydiving is an exhilarating sport that offers a unique perspective of the world and the chance to engage with and adrenaline filled activity. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a first-time jumper, it’s important to take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones in case of an unexpected accident. That’s where British skydiving insurance from Sports Financial Services could help. We aim to provide the best value protection for your skydiving activities from the policies we offer.  

About British skydiving insurance

Our specialist advisers at Sports Financial Services offer 4 types of British skydiving insurance products. You can speak to us about life insurance, mortgage protection, income protection or critical illness cover 

When you enquire about life insurance cover skydiving, we’ll discuss you and your skydiving in areas, such as:

  • The number of jumps you take every year
  • Where you participate in skydiving
  • If you take part in competitive skydiving 
  • If you work as a skydiving instructor or whether you skydive professionally 
  • If you a member of the Sport’s Governing Body for skydiving

When applying for British skydiving insurance options from Sports Financial Services we will also ask about your health, occupation and lifestyle. This information will be used to assess the financial protection options available to you and if there will be any associated premium loadings or exclusions. In addition, underwriters may also want to know if you have had to take any time off work in the past because of your skydiving activities.

If your insurer assesses you to be at high risk then this can lead to premium loadings, as well as exclusions to your policy. Your personal adviser at Sports Financial Services will discuss the options available to you for the British skydiving insurance options we offer.

If you have a current life insurance policy and want to compare our rates with your current cover then speak to a specialist sports adviser at Sports Financial Services.

If enquiring about a new policy a specialist adviser will work with you personally to understand you and your skydiving in order to find the best value protection for your activities from the range of products we offer. 

British Skydiving insurance with Sports Financial Services

In conclusion, British skydiving insurance and the financial peace of mind it offers is a key consideration for anyone who participates in skydiving. It may provide the financial protection you and your loved ones are looking for in the unfortunate case of an accident. Here at Sports Financial Services, we have many years of experience in providing people who participate in high-risk sports, such as skydivers, with life insurance, mortgage protection, critical illness cover and income protection. 

Don’t wait until it’s too late – get in touch with us here at Sports Financial Services to discuss your need for British skydiving insurance today or visit our skydive insurance FAQSs page to find out more.

Horse Riding Insurance

horse riding insurance

Horse riding is a beloved activity enjoyed by millions of people around the world. Whether
you’re a beginner taking your first lessons or an experienced equestrian rider competing at
the highest levels, there’s no denying the thrill and excitement that comes with horse riding.
However, like any sport, horse riding carries some level of risk. Accidents can and do
happen, which is why it’s important to consider horse riding insurance if you’re a horse rider.

What is life Insurance?

Life insurance is a type of financial protection that typically provides financial support, in the
form of a lump sum, if the worst were to happen whilst horse riding. Other options include
mortgage protection, critical illness cover and income protection cover that can provide other
types of financial benefit.

In exchange for paying premiums, your insurance company will provide a financial benefit as
designated in the terms of your policy. This money could then be used to contribute to a
wide range of expenses such funeral costs, bills and living expenses.

Why do you need horse riding insurance?

Horse riding can be dangerous, even for experienced riders. Falls, collisions and other
accidents can result in serious injuries or even death. While no one likes to think about the
worst-case scenario, it’s important to be prepared for the unexpected. Horse riding insurance
can provide peace of mind to both you and your loved ones, knowing that there will be some
level of financial pay-out if something were to happen to you.

What Types of horse riding insurance are available?

There are several types of horse rider insurance options available from Sports Financial Services.
These include life insurance, mortgage protection, income protection and critical illness
cover for horse riders.

When you enquire about cover, we’ll ask about various aspects of your health, work, lifestyle
and horse-riding activities. Once we have this information, we’ll be able to let you know
about the financial protection options that are available to you. Sometimes, because of your
health, work or riding activities, there may be premium loadings or exclusions. As specialists in financial protection insurance for hazardous sports your personal adviser at Sports Financial Services will discuss the cover options available for you and your individual needs.

How much life insurance do horse riders need?

The amount of horse riding insurance you need will depend on a variety of factors, including
your age, income, financial obligations, and family situation. As a horse rider, you may want
to consider the risks and financial implications of having an accident whilst horse riding. Your
horse riding insurance specialist at Sports Financial Services can help outline the options
available to you and discuss appropriate cover for your specific needs.

In conclusion, while no one likes to think about the possibility of a tragic accident, it’s
important to be prepared for the unexpected. Life insurance, income protection and critical
illness cover can provide some peace of mind to horse riders, knowing that some level of
financial support would be available if an accident were to happen. To learn more about the
life insurance, critical illness and income protection options available to you, as a horse rider,
please speak with one of our equine sports specialists at Sports Financial Services today.

Life Insurance Cover Skydiving

British skydiving insurance

When taking part in extreme and high-risk sports, such as skydiving, it is important to consider life insurance cover skydiving, critical illness cover and income protection. For financial peace of mind consider cover to ensure that you have protected yourself, your family and your home in the event of anything happening during your skydiving activities. 

Is skydiving covered by a life insurance policy?

Speak to a sports expert at Sports Financial Services to discover the life insurance options available to skydivers. Typically, a life insurance policy provides a lump sum to help and support your beneficiaries in the event of the insured death. The calculation of life insurance premiums depends on many factors, such as:

  • How many jumps per year you undertake?
  • Where do you go skydiving?
  • Do you skydive competitively?
  • What type of skydiving activities do you participate in?
  • Do you do any skydiving instructional work?
  • Are you a member of the Sport’s Governing Body?

There are a number of other factors that have to be taken into account to determine your skydiving life insurance premiums, for example: 

  • How much cover you need (total £ sum assured)
  • Length of your policy (number of years)
  • Which type of life insurance pay out you require (e.g., fixed sum for the life of the policy or pay out linked to a declining mortgage amount as a mortgage is paid off) 

Skydiving critical illness cover 

When applying for skydiving critical illness cover there is a similar enquiry process to life insurance cover skydiving. Insurers will need answers to several questions about your skydiving activities so that they are able to assess how at-risk you are. If your insurer assesses you to be at high risk then this can lead to premium loadings, as well as exclusions to your policy. Your personal adviser at Sports Financial Services will discuss the options available to you. 

Skydiving income protection

As well as offering life insurance cover skydiving and critical illness cover, we also offer skydiving income protection. When applying for skydiving income protection we will ask about your skydiving participation, health, occupation and lifestyle. We will use this information to assess the financial protection options available to you and if there are any associated premium loadings or exclusions.  Underwriters may also want to know if you have had to take any time off work in the past because of your skydiving activities.

Where can I get life insurance cover skydiving?

Here at Sports Financial Services, we offer life insurance cover skydiving, critical illness cover for skydivers and income protection for skydiving. We have many years of experience in providing protection for people who take part in high-risk hobbies and occupations. You will always be assisted by one of our expert advisers who will provide you with a quote unique to your needs and circumstances. Please feel free to contact us today to obtain your personal quote or ring us at 0345 565 0935.

Alternatively, you can find out more information on our Skydive Insurance FAQs page.