Can I get Life Insurance for working at heights?

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Life, Income Protection &
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Have you considered what would happen to your family and finances if you had an accident whilst working at height?

Hazardous occupations come with various risks, such as falling from a height or being hit by falling objects. These incidents can lead to injury, disability, or even death.

No matter where your job takes you, you can consult Sports Financial Services to explore options for financial protection tailored to your high-risk profession.

Originally established to serve the extreme sports community, Sports Financial Services has since expanded its expertise to support individuals in a wide range of dangerous occupations.

Life Insurance company for working at heights

As hazardous sport and hazardous occupation specialists we are here to help those who enjoy life at the extremes.

If you are concerned about financial peace of mind should an accident (or worse) happen whilst working at height then give us a call.

There are many commercial, residential and industrial occupations may involve some element of working at height, for example:

  • Builders (construction, maintenance, installation, testing, painting, repair, cladding)
  • Building surveyors
  • Climbing instructors
  • Firefighters
  • Glaziers
  • Green & renewable energy / wind turbine technicians
  • Industrial manufacturing technicians (e.g., power, chemical and petrochemical)
  • IRATA workers
  • Lighting technicians
  • Oil rig workers
  • Off shore workers
  • Riggers
  • Roofers
  • Rope access technicians
  • Scaffolders
  • Solar panel installers
  • Steel workers
  • Tree surgeons
  • Window installers
  • Window cleaners
  • Wind turbine technicians

Even if your occupation is not listed above, please feel free to talk to us about different insurance options in relation to providing for a family or covering mortgage payments should an accident (or worse) happen.

Whatever type of working at height occupation you pursue please speak to us today about the availability of cover to suit your needs.

To include your occupational activities on a life insurance policy, underwriters will need to ask some questions to understand your work and lifestyle. We’ll look at these factors later in this article.

A working at heights insurance company

A number of options are available for those who work at height and who may want to provide for loved ones, cover mortgage payments or bills should an accident (or worse) happen whilst engaged in their occupation.

The risks associated with working at height may mean that certain exclusions or restrictions may apply to certain types of cover. However, your specialist adviser at Sports Financial Services will discuss the cover options in relation to you and your occupation.

How do I find out more about life insurance for working at heights cover?

As hazardous occupation and recreation specialists, we have developed knowledge and experience in providing financial protection for a wide range of extreme activities – so we can help save you time in finding cover to suit your needs.

If you’re looking for a lump sum payment in the event of an accident or natural death, it might be worth discussing Life Insurance with us. You may also want to explore Income Protection and Critical Illness Cover to suit your specific needs.

Given the risks involved, it’s important to ensure you have the necessary training, qualifications, certifications, permits, and competence to comply with regulations for the activities you undertake and the access methods you use (such as ladders, cradles, scaffolding, scaffold towers, cherry pickers, rope access, and gantries).

Keeping yourself safe may also involve taking a methodical approach to your work to ensure risks are assessed, work is planned and proper equipment is chosen, used and maintained.

Your personal occupational safety extends to the appropriate personal working at height equipment, for example:

  • Helmet
  • Eye protection
  • Footwear
  • Gloves
  • PPE
  • Coveralls
  • Harness
  • Tool tethers
  • Fall protection restraint systems / fall arrest systems
  • Rescue at height equipment

Additional precautions could include rescue at height training and first aid training.

Would you like to discuss working at height insurance?

A specialist adviser here at Sports Financial Services will be pleased to discuss your financial protection needs and any restrictions that apply in relation to the range of activities you pursue.

The main types of cover that you may want to discuss with us include the availability of:

  • Life Insurance
  • Mortgage Protection
  • Critical Illness Cover
  • Income Protection

In addition, if you keep up a health regime and participate in a regular fitness plan, you may also want to speak to us about policies that monitor your fitness and reward you for keeping fit and healthy.

Working at heights – your questions:

To discuss the cover options available to you please call or contact us online to discuss the best deal we can offer you based on your sport, work and lifestyle.

We engage with many people who participate in a wide range of sports and occupations and are happy to discuss a range of questions, such as:

  • Do I incur premium loadings because I work at heights?
  • Because I work at height are there any restrictions to policies?
  • Can I obtain Life Insurance because I work at heights?
  • Is Critical Illness Cover available for my particular occupational activities?

How do I go about finding out more about Life Insurance for working at heights?

Enquiring about cover with us is quick and easy.

As part of the process, we will want to discuss a number of details in relation to you, your occupation and your lifestyle.

As with any enquiry for this type of cover it is important that you declare all relevant information such as your occupation, lifestyle, medical, hazardous activities and other questions completely.

Common questions could include (where applicable):

  • Current occupation and work at height
  • Job roles and type of work
  • Typical heights worked at / maximum heights worked
  • Restrictions relating to age, health requirements and fitness
  • Office based vs field-based work
  • Membership, training and qualifications (e.g., IRATA level 1)
  • Relevant licences, qualifications, certificates and experiences
  • Location of work (UK, Europe and/or worldwide)
  • Current income (for an enquiry for Income Protection)

Do you combine work at height with the additional hazards such working offshore?

If so, then there may be a few additional areas we may be interested in discussing with you, such as:

  • Transport methods to offshore platforms/locations
  • Location of work (e.g., Gulf / North Sea)
  • Percentage of time working offshore vs. onshore
  • Work combined with other technical activities (e.g., diving)
  • Work involving dangerous machinery

We will also discuss some more specific questions in relation you, for example, your:

  • Lifestyle (e.g., alcohol consumption, exercise and smoking)
  • Height (ft/cm)
  • Weight (lb/kg)
  • Health, well-being and any pre-existing medical conditions
  • Current employment or occupation
  • Employment location (e.g., UK, Europe and/or Worldwide)

In addition, as part of your enquiry, we will also discuss with you the duration and amounts of cover required, including:

  • The amount of financial protection you require (£)
  • The length of policy you require (number of years years)
  • The type of policy you require (e.g., decreasing or level term)

A combination of your activities, lifestyle, personal health, recreation, occupation and other factors, such as those detailed above, will assist in the determination the options that will be available to you and the associated premiums.

I already have financial protection in place – can you still help me?

Even if you have a policy in place elsewhere, for your hazardous occupation or recreation, we will still be happy to hear from you.

Even if this is only to provide you with the peace of mind of knowing that your cover and premiums are comparable with current market products.

Are there additional cover options if I run a business?

For those who operate a Limited Company or operate at Director level then you may want to consider discussing different cover options with us, such as Key Person Insurance, Relevant Life Insurance or Shareholder Protection.

Next steps: what can I expect when I make an enquiry about cover for working at heights?

You can be assured that the team at Sports Financial Services take pride in providing those who participate in hazardous sports and occupations with:

  • Your own specialist adviser to discuss your needs, your lifestyle, your personal circumstances and the options available to you
  • Experienced advisers in hazardous pursuits, extreme sports and hazardous occupations Personal service and a quick response to your questions
  • A Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) authorised company
  • An easy application process conducted around your life and at contact times that suit you

If you would like to find out more about financial protection then please call and speak to an experienced adviser today for a free, no-obligation quote, on 0345 565 0935.

Or, if you would like to enquire online, please click the link above and complete the online form.

If you prefer to email, please contact us at:

As a hazardous, extreme and adventure sport specialist we exist to help those who enjoy adventurous pursuits to find cover that is suitable for their needs.

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