Professional Sports Person life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection
Sports Financial is a leading insurance expert for people who take part in hazardous sports or who have high risk jobs, such as Professional Sports Person life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection. One of the most difficult areas for us to get certain types of cover for is Professional Sports people due to the levels of risk involved in terms of injury as well as the levels of cover generally involved. Professional Sports Person life insurance, critical illness cover or income protection can often be purchased either via standard insurance providers or potentially through some more specialist providers where the levels of cover are above standard levels.
Some may not consider Pro Sports Person life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection to be higher risk, however it can be difficult to get some types of cover such as income protection. Some of the information that underwriters will want to know are:
- Which sport you play
- What level you compete
- Are you full time or part time professional
- Do you have any pre-existing health issues
It is possible to get policies for a Sports Person which can include life insurance, critical illness cover or income protection in most cases. There will be more restrictions around income protection policies due to the levels of risk relating to this type of occupation and injury which could cause time away from playing.
Types of Professional Sports include:
- Football
- Rugby
- Cricket
- Tennis
- Golf
- Motorsports
- Boxing
There are lots more different types of sports which can vary dramatically in terms of underwriting and treatment for Professional Sports Person life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection. For more information about your sport and occupation you should contact one of our experts on 0345 565 0935.
Professional Sports Person life insurance
Generally it should not be an issue in being able to get cover for Professional Sports Person life insurance due to the fact that the risks of death relating to most of these activities are not considered to be higher than a standard life. It is possible to even be able to secure life insurance cover with no increase in premiums which means that you may pay the same as someone who does not have a high risk occupation. There may be some sports which would potentially cause an increase in premiums which can relate to the levels of danger for the activities.
Some of the main points which would be considered by underwriters when assessing an application for Professional Sports Person life insurance are:
- Which type of sport(s) industry you work in
- Any dangerous equipment used (e.g. motorsports, mountaineering etc.)
- Does your work involve dangerous activities
- Level of cover being applied for
- Any pre-existing medical conditions or health issues
The other key factors which will have an impact on how much your premiums would be for life insurance are:
- Sum assured (£’s)
- Policy term (years)
- Type of cover
Premiums for Professional Sports Person life insurance can vary dramatically from one insurer to another so it is important to make sure that you speak to a specialist who understands your needs and has experience in this area, such as Sports FS.
Professional Sports Person critical illness cover
There should be a strong chance for being able to get a policy to cover for Professional Sports Person critical illness cover in most cases. It is generally considered to be a fairly standard risk for this type of cover and occupation so you may even be able to get a Professional Sports Person critical illness cover policy in place with no premium increase or exclusions. As with life insurance, it will depend on the type of activities you undertake as part of your job and whether you have any other health/medical issues to be considered.
You should be aware that if you are applying for a larger sum assured (£’s) then you may be subject to some additional checks (e.g. medical) to validate your application.
Professional Sports Person income protection
Currently there are no mainstream insurance providers who will offer Professional Sports Person income protection cover due to the levels of risk involved and claims history. In some cases you may be able to secure a Professional Sports Person income protection policy from a specialist insurer or via specialist markets which we can check for you.
For more information or to get a competitive quote for Professional Sports Person life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection then you should contact one of our team of Sports FS advisers on 0345 565 0935.
Get a no-obligation quoteWhat is a professional sports person?
A professional sports person is defined as a someone, unpaid or paid, who provides services that involve playing in sport or coaching that they are currently registered as a professional or semi professional sports time.
Why do I need specialist professional sports person life insurance?
Anyone who regularly participates in sports, particularly extreme ones is at higher risk of injury and even death. This means that in order to be financially protected in the event of on accident, it is imperative you have the right insurance policy in place. Sports Financial Services specialise in life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection for extreme sports.
Why use a specialist insurance company for professional sports person life insurance?
An insurance company who specialises in high risk sports, it is important because firstly, they understand your sport, the risks that come with it and the level of cover you need. What’s more, specialists like Sports FS have years of experience in providing people with the right cover and at the best rates.